It’s so simple,
the truth has been hiding in plain sight this whole time.
Yet we’ve embarked on this heroic journey
stretching far and beyond
high and low
in search of something that will make us feel whole,
that will fill this void we all seem to carry.
We search and we search
latching hope onto this and that,
something always outside of ourselves – a new job, relationship, more money.
Yet we always come back to the exact same place
the starting line from where we began,
more lost, disappointed and frustrated than ever.
The truth is so simple,
staring us in the eyes yet we can’t see.
We are what we’ve been looking for this whole time,
we are the happiness we seek.
All we have to do is remember,
to see and feel who we truly are – what we truly are.
We are happiness
we are love
we are consciousness
we are life itself.